Unweather, Unnature
These paintings follow the painting series troubling and artwork done in Iceland. They consider aspects of glacial melting, watersheds, flooding, and the reshaping of the landscape by human intervention.
Unweather is a word I read in Robert Macfarlane’s book, Underlay: A Deep Time Journey: “I think of the Old English term unweder - ‘unweather’ - used to mean weather so extreme that it seems to come from another climate or time altogether.” (p. 334) He also tweeted November 26, 2018: “Word of the day: "unweder" - literally "unweather"; a severe storm, a violent turn to tempest, heat, flood (Old English). We live now, surely, in an age of "unweather".”
In keeping with unweather and its meaning, I thought of nature in situations so extreme as to be unnature.